Order lifecycle and Webhooks
Status | Description | Sample Value |
CREATED | Triggered when the user confirms to have made the payment (click on ‘I have transferred’ CTA). | {'failure_code': None, 'crypto_symbol': 'USDT', 'exchange_rate': '85.00000000', 'status': 'CREATED', 'id': 'xxxxxx', 'network': 'BSC', 'fiat_amount': '850.00000000', 'crypto_wallet_address': '0xXXXXXXXXXXXXX', 'tag': None, 'failure_desc': None, 'payment_method': 'upi_transfer', 'crypto_amount': '10.00000000', 'fiat_symbol': 'INR', 'created_at': 1702540033000, 'source_id': 'xxxxxx', 'event': 'CRYPTO_BUY', 'user_id': 'xxxxxx'} |
ONRAMP_INITIATED | Triggered immediately once the payment reconciliation process is triggered. | {'payment_method': 'upi_transfer', 'source_id': None, 'tag': None, 'exchange_rate': '84.99000000', 'failure_code': None, 'fiat_amount': '2299.00000000', 'created_at': 1694714157000, 'id': 'xxxxxx', 'fiat_symbol': 'INR', 'failure_desc': None, 'crypto_symbol': 'USDT', 'network': 'MATIC', 'crypto_wallet_address': '0xXXXXXXXXXXXXX', 'crypto_amount': '27.05000000', 'status': 'ONRAMP_INITIATED', 'event': 'CRYPTO_BUY', 'user_id': 'xxxxxx'} |
ONRAMP_COMPLETED | Triggered when the user’s payment is successfully reconciled. | {'payment_method': 'upi_transfer', 'source_id': None, 'tag': None, 'exchange_rate': '84.99000000', 'failure_code': None, 'fiat_amount': '2299.00000000', 'created_at': 1694714157000, 'id': 'xxxxxx', 'bank_transaction_id': 'xxxxxx', 'fiat_symbol': 'INR', 'failure_desc': None, 'crypto_symbol': 'USDT', 'network': 'MATIC', 'crypto_wallet_address': '0xXXXXXXXXXXXXX', 'crypto_amount': '27.05000000', 'status': 'ONRAMP_COMPLETED', 'event': 'CRYPTO_BUY', 'user_id': 'xxxxxx'} |
COMPLETED | Triggered when the crypto withdrawal to the client’s specified wallet address is completed. | {'payment_method': 'upi_transfer', 'source_id': None, 'tag': None, 'exchange_rate': '84.99000000', 'failure_code': None, 'fiat_amount': '2299.00000000', 'created_at': 1694714157000, 'id': 'xxxxxx', 'bank_transaction_id': 'xxxxxx', 'fiat_symbol': 'INR', 'failure_desc': None, 'crypto_symbol': 'USDT', 'network': 'MATIC', 'crypto_wallet_address': '0xXXXXXXXXXXXXX', 'crypto_amount': '27.05000000', 'status': 'COMPLETED', 'event': 'CRYPTO_BUY', 'user_id': 'xxxxxx', 'txn_hash': '0xXXXXXXXXXXXXX'} |
FAILED | Triggered when the user’s payment could not be found. | {'failure_code': 'ONRAMP_FAILED', 'created_at': 1694631289000, 'exchange_rate': '84.99000000', 'fiat_amount': '300.00000000', 'tag': None, 'crypto_symbol': 'USDT', 'network': 'MATIC', 'source_id': None, 'failure_desc': 'Payment not received from the user', 'status': 'FAILED', 'fiat_symbol': 'INR', 'crypto_wallet_address': '0xXXXXXXXXXXXXX', 'payment_method': 'upi_transfer', 'crypto_amount': '3.53000000', 'id': 'xxxxxx', 'event': 'CRYPTO_BUY', 'user_id': 'xxxxxx'} |
ONRAMP_INCONSISTENT | Triggered when a payment with a different amount is found for the user. | {'crypto_amount': '0.57647100', 'fiat_symbol': 'INR', 'created_at': 1702202538000, 'crypto_wallet_address': '0xXXXXXXXXXXXXX', 'fiat_amount': '49.00000000', 'status': 'ONRAMP_INCONSISTENT', 'crypto_symbol': 'USDT', 'failure_code': None, 'failure_desc': None, 'payment_method': 'upi_transfer', 'tag': None, 'bank_transaction_id': 'xxxxxx', 'source_id': None, 'network': 'MATIC', 'exchange_rate': '85.00000000', 'id': 'xxxxxx', 'event': 'CRYPTO_BUY', 'user_id': 'xxxxxx'} |
REFUND_COMPLETED | Triggered when the user’s deposited amount is refunded. | {'bank_transaction_id': 'xxxxxx', 'status': 'REFUND_COMPLETED', 'created_at': 1702202538000, 'failure_desc': None, 'crypto_amount': '0.57647100', 'payment_method': 'upi_transfer', 'crypto_wallet_address': '0xXXXXXXXXXXXXX', 'source_id': None, 'id': 'xxxxxx', 'fiat_amount': '49.00000000', 'exchange_rate': '85.00000000', 'tag': None, 'failure_code': None, 'crypto_symbol': 'USDT', 'network': 'MATIC', 'fiat_symbol': 'INR', 'event': 'CRYPTO_BUY', 'user_id': 'xxxxxx'} |
Updated about 2 months ago