Fetching Payment Beneficiary

Fetching Beneficiary Details for Onramp Transactions

When initiating an onramp transaction, the beneficiary details need to be fetched for specific payment methods. These details vary based on the payment method being used. However, not all payment methods require beneficiary details (e.g., UPI Intent methods).

This guide explains how to use the API to fetch beneficiary details for supported payment methods.

API Endpoint


Supported Payment Methods

  • Replace <payment_method> with the specific payment method, such as bank_transfer or upi_transfer.

Mandatory Query Parameters

typeStringType of transaction. For onramp transactions, use buy.
fiatStringThe fiat currency being converted (e.g., INR, EUR, GBP).
cryptoStringThe cryptocurrency being purchased (e.g., USDT, USDC).

Example Request

curl --location 'https://mudrex.com/api/v1/wallet/conversion/fiat/methods/upi_transfer/beneficiary?type=buy&fiat=INR&crypto=USDT' \
--header 'X-Timestamp: {{timestamp}}' \
--header 'X-Client-Id: •••••••' \
--header 'X-Request-Id: h' \
--header 'X-Secret-Key: •••••••'

  "success": true,
  "data": {
    "id": "15adbb9b-3593-45d8-964e-debbc3474b22",
    "aggregator_id": "b4427086-4940-4c8f-a800-98319f3277e8",
    "ifsc_code": null,
    "account_number": null,
    "upi": "paytmqr28100505010114pimg61rdg6@paytm",
    "account_type": null

Response Details

idStringUnique identifier for the beneficiary record.
aggregator_idStringIdentifier for the aggregator handling the transaction.
bank_nameStringName of the beneficiary's bank or payment service.
ifsc_codeStringIFSC code for the bank account, if applicable (null for non-bank methods).
account_numberStringBank account number for the beneficiary (null for UPI-based payment methods).
upiStringUPI ID for the transaction, if applicable.
account_nameStringName associated with the beneficiary account.
account_typeStringType of the bank account, if applicable (null for methods like UPI Intent).

These details might differ for different payment methods.


  1. Beneficiary Requirements:
    1. Some payment methods like UPI Intent do not require fetching beneficiary details.
    2. Ensure to verify whether the payment method being used requires beneficiary details before calling this API.
  2. Customization:
    1. The response structure may vary slightly depending on the payment method and service configuration.
  3. Real-Time Updates:
    1. Always use the latest beneficiary details fetched via this API for every transaction to ensure accuracy

Check more details about API endpoint here.